Star Wars: Dresca - Award-Winning Fan Film

samedi 5 mai 2012

Résultat de l'Open de New York

13 joueurs :

Name W/L Swiss Points

1. Hinkbert ((Josh Hinkel) 4-0 11 - Republique
2. Evman678 (Evan Savage)* 4-0 10 - New Rep
3. McNizzle (Kris McNaney)* 3-1 9 - Sith
4. YoBuckKiller (Luke Cook) 3-1 7 - Empire

5. captaingig (Steve Mitchell) 3-1 6
6. Darth_Jim (Jim McNaney) 2-2 6
7. DARPH NADER (Gerry Russell) 2-2 5
8. christophercook (Chris Cook) 2-2 5
9. emtjoe (Joseph Peters) 1-3 3
10. Dean (Dean Dioguardi) 1-3 3
11. patar7 (Patrick Dioguardi) 1-3 3
12. jak (Jack MacEwen)* 1-3 3
13. Zach (Zachary Field)* 1-3 3

* denotes a bye round

Hinkbert vs YoBuckKiller
Evman678 vs McNizzle

Hinkbert v. McNizzle

Les Teams par factions :
Republic (3)
Sith (2)
Mandos (2)
Rebel (2)
Imps (2)
NR (1)
OR (1)

La liste des teams (pas dans l'ordre des résultats)

“Untitled” by Josh Hinkel (a.k.a. Hinkbert on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Mace Windu LotLS
Foul Moudama
Dr. Evazan, GC
Rodian Diplomat
Map choice: Peaceful City

“Resistant is Futile” by Jack MacEwen (a.k.a. jak on Bloomilk)

Celeste Morne
Exar Kun DFS
Sith Alchemist
Sith Wrangler
Rakghoul x2
Jawa Scavenger
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Asteroid Base

“# YOLO” by Evan Savage (a.k.a. Evman678 on Bloomilk)

Han Solo, GH
Mara Jade, Jedi
Ganner Rhysode
Anakin Solo
General Dodonna
Gha Nachkt
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Peaceful City

“R2-D2, Carrier of Doom” by Patrick Dioguardi (a.k.a. patar7 on Bloomilk)

Mace Windu, LoLTS
Qui-Gon-Jinn, JM
Foul Moudama
Uggie Demo
Map choice: Commander’s Office

“The 3 Admirals” by Luke Cook (a.k.a. YoBuckKiller on Bloomilk)

GA Thrawn
General Weir
Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike x2
Admiral Piett
Storm Commando
Admiral Ozzel
Mas Amedda
Gran Raider
Uggie Demo
Rodian Brute
Map choice: Grand Plaza

“Rand Band” by Kris McNaney (a.k.a. McNizzle on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Darth Revan, Sith Lord
Darth Zannah
Atton “Jaq” Rand
Exar Kun DFS
Gha Nachkt
R7 Astro
Atton “Jaq”
R7 Astro
MSD x10
Map choice: Peaceful City

“Evil’s Agents” by Joseph Peters (a.k.a. emtjoe on Bloomilk)

Darth Vader, Agent of Evil
Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
Admiral Ozzel
501st Stormtroopers x4
Mas Amedda
Imperial Dignitary
Lobot, CLO
R7 Astro
Map choice: Ravaged Base

“Mandos are Back” by Chris Cook (a.k.a. christophercook on Bloomilk)

Jaster Mareel
Mando Captain
Mando Scout x4
Jawa Scavenger
MSD x2
Map choice: Grand Plaza

“Mandos in the House” by Dean Dioguardi

Rohlan Dyre
Mando Captain
Mando Scout x5
Mando Gunsmith
Mando CIO
Map choice: Rancor Pit

“Boring Skirmish Anyway” by Steve Mitchell (a.k.a. captaingig on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor
Jon “Dutch” Vander
Red Sqaudron Ace x3
General Dodonna
R2-D2 w/Extended Sensor
Juno Eclipse
Dash Rendar, RS
Klatoonian Captain
Figrin D’an
Salacious Crumb
Uggie demo
Map choice: Asteroid Base

“Bastila Day” by Gerry Russell (a.k.a. DARPH NADER on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Bastila Shan, JM
Carth Onasi, OR Drunkard
Jedi Seer
OR Senator x2
Figrin D’an
R7 Astro
Uggie demox2
Map choice: Cantina

“Spec Force Push” by Jim McNaney (a.k.a. Darth_Jim on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Yoda of Dagobah
Luke Skywalker, HPU
Spec Force Vanguard x2
General Rieekan
General Dodonna
Juno Eclipse
Lobot, CLO
R7 Astro
Map choice: Anchorhead

“Oppression” by Zachary Field

Captain Rex
RC Training Sgt
RC Niner
RC Darman
RC Atin
Foul Moudama
Spaarti CT
Map choice: Cantina

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Ferus Olin Rebel
Luke Skywalker Jedi Master New Republic
Baron Fel Empire
Admiral Yularen Republic
Darth Vader Empire
Padme Amidala Republic
Boma Promo
Naga Shadow Sith
Bomo Greenbark Fringe
Captain Mar Tuuk Separatist
Kol Skywalker New Republic
Lord Hoth Old Republic
Grievious Kaleesh Warlord Fringe
Moff Morlish Veed Empire
Nomi Sunrider Old Republic
Han Solo on Tauntaun Rebel
Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force Empire
Dannik Jerriko Fringe
Voolvif Monn Republic
Darth Vader Unleashed Empire
Jar Jar Binks Republic
Princess Leia, Rebel Hero Rebel
Tion Medon Fringe
Obi Wan on Boga Republic
K'kruhk, Jedi Master Republic
Atton Rand Old Republic
Obi Wan Kenobi, Padawan republic
Captain Argyus Republic
Xizor Fringe
The Dark Woman Republic
Prince Xizor Fringe
General Rieekan Rebel
Wat Tambor, Techno Union Foreman Separatist
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Republic
Leia Organa, Senator Rebel

Kyp Duron New Republic
Princess Leia, Hoth Commander Rebel
Kyle Katarn Combat Instructor New Republic
Darth Tyranus Legacy of the dark side Separatist
Major Maximilian Veers Empire
Moff Jerjerrod Empire
General Solo Rebel
Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter Fringe
Qui Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer Republic
Lando Calrissian Rebel Leader Rebel

Membres de l'AFSWM

- Xavier P
- Jean Michel S
- Thomas D
- Frederic C
- Kazu
- Vincent D
- Clery N
- Pierre ( Algan )
- Tanguy
- Aurélie L
- Laurent P
- Angélique L
- Sylvie D
- Georges F
- Maxime
- Christophe C
- Pierre Auguste
- Yves de N ( Ywoo )
- Nyffenegger Yann
- Collobert Alexandre
- Michel Alexis
- Jobineau Franck
- Vaillière Olivier
- Landais Sébastien
- Pozzi Stéphane
- Ezzatpanah Mohammed
- Alzoubaidy Alexis
- Alzoubaidy Rouslan
- Jaslin Vincent
- Christophe Guy
- Loizeau Sacha
- Loizeau Frédéric

Cello Wars John Williams The phantome Cellist