Star Wars: Dresca - Award-Winning Fan Film

mercredi 27 mars 2019

Rapport de bataille du tournoi du 23 Mars 2019

Ma Team 
- Empereur Palpatine 210pts
Colère 5pts
- Dark Vador 200pts
Réflexes de la force 15pts
Lancer de sabre 10pts
Colère 5pts
- Gardes Royaux de l'empereur 75pts
- Stormtroopers 44pts
- Stormtroopers 44pts
- Snowtrooper 48pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts
  • Confusion
  • Interception des Transmissions
  • Champ de Mines
Round 1
Scout A mort
Storm trooper A -2
Scout B mort
Snow trooper -1
Soldat Rebel A-1
Soldat Rebel B-2
Wookie -1
Round 2
Obectif 1 point dans chaque camp
Round 3
TLTT mort
Stormtrooper A-1
Snow trooper -1
Soldat Rebel A mort
Round 4
Imperial garde -1
Landspeeder mort
Scout C mort
Wookie -1
Objectif 2 pour l’empire et 1 pour les rebels
Victoire de l’empire

Un début de partie un peu chaotique car je ne peux pas cacher mes troupes du regard de Leia. Sinon une partie assez compliqué car mon adversaire à séparer ses troupes tout autour de moi et la vitesse de Vador et Palpatine joue contre moi ils resteront dons au milieu. Je gère le Landspeeder qui a trop avancé qui s’enfuit avec un point de vie, le Scout trooper C le tuera puis le TLTT qui subira exactement le même sort. Ensuite je jouerais les points de victoires. 

  • Ligne de Bataille
  • Récupération de Ravitaillement
  • Environnement Hostile
Round 1
Scout A mort
Scout B-1
Snowtrooper -1
Rebel trooper A-2
Rebel trooper B-2
Round 2
Scout B mort
Commando rebel A-1
Imperial Bodyguard -2
Round 3
Chewbacca mort
Wookie -3
Commando rebel A mort
Rebel Trooper B-3
Scout C mort
Round 4
Rebel Trooper C mort
Rebel Trooper B mort
Wookie mort
Imperial bodyguard mort
Rebel Trooper A mort
Tour 5
Objectif 3 pour l’empire et 1 pour les rebelles
Victoire de l’empire

De nouveau le début de match est assez violent dans les pertes côté impérial. Mais comme à la première partie, je reprends le contrôle du terrain. Chacun des camps garde un objectif alors que les trois autres sont plus tôt au centre de la map. Une bataille débute alors pour en prendre possession. La puissance de Vador et les éclairs de Palpatine auront le dessus et je gagne la partie.

  • Offensive Majeure
  • Percée
  • Visibilité Limitée
Round 1
Round 2
Commando rebel A mort
Luke mort
Wookie -2
Rebel trooper A-1
Round 3
Rebel trooper A mort
Leia mort
Wookie mort
Stormtrooper A-2
Rebel trooper B mort
Rebel trooper C-1
TLTT mort
Round 4
Rebel trooper C mort
Commando rebel B mort
Rebel trooper C mort
Objectif 5 empire
Victoire de l’empire

Cette fois je prends possession en haut du bâtiment et j’ai un avantage pour mes snipers. Durant le premier tour, mon adversaire avance trop ses wookies et Luke se croyant à l’abri avec la brume mais la réactivation de Vador par Palpatine lui permet de blesser Luke. Au second tour je gère les dommages de Vador par Luke et je l’abats puis abat deux wookies. Au troisième tour je prends l’initiative et avec Palpatine (et sa carte 1*) je tue leia (juste avant d’utiliser sa carte 1*), décime un groupe de rebelle puis laisse le TLTT à 1 point de vie. Il ne reste à l’empereur qu’un seul point de vie. Vador finira les wookies et le TLTT. Au tour 4 je termine le peu d’ennemi survivant et je gagne la partie.

lundi 25 mars 2019

Tournoi star wars legion du 23 Mars 2019

Round 1
G Reivax / Flash Tau P
P Thomas / David Bran G
P Steph / Animal G
P Gui 113 / Nain G
Round 2
G Reivax / Nain P
P David / Animal G
G Thomas / Gui 113 P
P Steph / Thomas G
Round 3
G Reivax / Bran P
G Le Nain / Flash Tau P
P Thomas / Animal G
G Gui 113 / Steph P
1er Reivax
2e Le nain
3e Bran
4eDavid Bran
5eGuy 113
6e Flash Tau
7e Thomas
8e Steph

mercredi 20 mars 2019

Duel du 16 Mars à la Waaagh

Ma Team 
- Empereur Palpatine 210pts
Colère 5pts
- Dark Vador 200pts
Réflexes de la force 15pts
Lancer de sabre 10pts
Colère 5pts
- Gardes Royaux de l'empereur 75pts
- Stormtroopers 44pts
- Stormtroopers 44pts
- Snowtrooper 48pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts
- Scout Troopers 16pts
Sniper avec DLT-19X 28pts

Team de Thomas

Rapport : 
Tour 1
Scout A-1
Storm you A-1
Tour 2
Snow me -1
Stormtrooper you A-1
Stormtrooper me A-1
Tour 3
Stormtrooper you B-1
Stormtrooper you A-1
Imperial Bodyguard -1
Tour 4
ARST mort
Stormtrooper you C-2
Imperial Bodyguard -1
Vador me mort
Stormtrooper you B-2
Tour 5
Stormtrooper me B-3
Stormtrooper you B mort
Stormtrooper you A mort
Tour 6
Vador you mort
Snowtrooper you mort
3 me 2 you

mardi 19 mars 2019

Architect of Terror

“We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy.”
   –Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
There are few the Emperor would entrust with a project as important—or demanding as much secrecy—as the construction of the Death Star. Such an undertaking requires someone with the ruthless dedication to see it through to the end and cunning enough to ensure that it remains a secret through the long years it takes to complete. In other words, a project of this magnitude requires Director Orson Krennic. 
Ushering the Death Star project from its infancy to fruition with an iron will, Krennic is determined to win the Emperor’s favor no matter the cost. Although he rarely participates directly in the battles in which his developed weapons are deployed, Krennic’s cold and calculating nature make him more than a match for any Rebel commanders he comes up against. You’ll soon have the chance to use Krennic’s limitless ambition to your advantage with the Director Orson Krennic Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion.
This expansion features a highly detailed, unpainted Director Orson Krennic miniature for you to add to your collection, his cape billowing in the wind as he marches forward with his DT-29 blaster pistol drawn. Far from being a mere symbolic presence on the battlefield, Krennic has many abilities to contribute to your Imperial armies, all of which are outlined on the unit card that you’ll find alongside his miniature.
These skills are useful, but Krennic is also a skilled commander who can do much more for your army than fire a blaster. The three signature command cards that you’ll find in this expansion give you access to even more devious strategies to employ in battle and three upgrade cards invite you to customize Director Krennic and your other units to suit your personal battle plan.
Read on for a closer look at everything included in the Director Orson Krennic Commander Expansion!

 A Crowning Achievement
Creating new weapons is no easy task. Any new project demands someone who can both oversee the development of cutting-edge technologies and maintain the tightest security around these projects lest they fall into the wrong hands. With these tasks in his hands, Director Krennic is empowered to use the most elite Imperial troops to protect the weapons programs that fall under his supervision. Constantly flanked by a unit of Imperial Death Troopers, Krennic can easily direct them to eliminate any target that could compromise one of his projects.
These Death Troopers are so synonymous with Krennic, in fact, that you can ignore the rank of one of these units when building your army, seamlessly incorporating it into your troops. An extra unit of Death Troopers is especially useful in protecting any classified information that Krennic wants to keep out of Rebel hands, but he is also no fool. Krennic recognizes that he has little chance against a full squad of Rebel soldiers, even with the three dice and piercing shot of his DT-29 blaster pistol. In these situations, he’s not afraid to pull rank, compelling a unit to move forward and shield him from enemy troops, even if it brings his own unit to the brink of panic.

Imperial Death Troopers may be disciplined enough to shrug off the extra suppression from such a move, but other Imperial units don’t have this same resolve. Fortunately, Krennic is known to issue such Strict Orders that any friendly trooper unit will follow them without hesitation. 
While Krennic can certainly make a difference in the moment-to-moment changes of an ever-evolving battle, perhaps his bigger contribution is to your overall battle plan. With him commanding your army, you can subtly manipulate the flow of battle, giving your Imperial forces opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have and goading your opponent into making mistakes that could doom their efforts.
The commands you issue are crucial in dictating your strategy for a battle and with Krennic as part of your command, you can ensure your orders are carried out without interruption. Once his schemes have been put into motion, Krennic excels at catching opposing commanders off guard. For example, no matter how great it is, Krennic refuses to let his  Voracious Ambition show, leaving his rivals to wonder what he has planned. Like the secrets he fights to protect, this command card conceals the identity of the units Krennic can issue orders to, freeing him to enact his battle plan without tipping off the opposition.
But this subtlety doesn’t mean Krennic is afraid to make bold statements. At the right moment, he’s more than willing to Deploy the Garrison to lock down crucial areas of the battlefield. When he does, friendly troopers become ready to react to enemy movements before other units even have a chance to get going. Essentially daring the Rebels to move within range or find another way around, these units become a valuable screen for the rest of your army to operate behind.
t should be clear that Krennic views all the units under his command as pawns to be used to accomplish his own goals. Wherever he goes, the Death Star is sure to follow, and Krennic will use this tool to wipe out any Rebels he encounters, even if it means some Imperial troops go with them. As  Annihilation Looms,  fear spreads through every trooper unit—on both sides of the battle. But with the legendary discipline and rigorous training of the Galactic Empire at your side, you can shake off this fear and do what must be done to claim victory.
Peace and Terror
As the director of the Empire’s Advanced Weapons Research division, Orson Krennic has overseen the development of countless weapons to spread the Empire's fear and tyranny across the galaxy. Unleashed on the battlefields of Star Wars: Legion, Krennic can carry out his own reign of terror. 

dimanche 10 mars 2019

Preview Tautaun Riders

“Hey, steady, girl. What’s the matter?”
   –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Forced to the fringes of the galaxy by the relentless pursuit of the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance must establish bases on remote planets far from the gaze of Darth Vader and his feared Death Squadron. Though this might take them to barren worlds like the frigid wastes of Hoth, the Rebels often use their ingenuity to turn these less-than-ideal conditions into an advantage. Using the local fauna to bolster their forces, they can easily traverse a planet’s surface and—in some instances—even use these beasts to fight the Empire. Soon, you can bring one of the most iconic creatures from the Star Wars saga to your epic struggles of the Galactic Civil War.
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!
Trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts across the windswept plains of Hoth, Tauntaun Riders help the Rebellion navigate nearly any environment, scouting Imperial positions and often slowing the enemy’s advance until the rest of the Rebel army can arrive. Within this expansion, you’ll find two unique unpainted Tauntaun Rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.
 Snowy Swiftness
Wherever they go, members of the Rebel Alliance must remain vigilant if they wish to avoid the Empire. On a frozen planet like Hoth, a tauntaun’s ability to quickly navigate the rough, snow-choked terrain can be an invaluable asset in the Rebels’ tireless search for any signs of Imperial detection. But their effectiveness stretches far beyond their homeworld. Whether they’re charging through the snow on Hoth or navigating the rocky badlands of Tatooine, these resilient snow lizards—and those who ride them—have something to contribute to any battle.
Though they lack the top speed of the T-47 Airspeeders that joined them on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, a unit of Tauntaun Riders still moves swiftly using the speed-three movement tool. Even better, because tauntauns aren’t propelled by repulsor engines, their riders have a greater amount of control in the thick of battle. These agile beasts can make pinpoint turns even while crossing more difficult terrain, making it exceptionally hard for enemies to pin them down with blaster fire.

Such great speed makes tauntauns ideal for cutting through parts of the battlefield that would bog down other units to gain a superior position. Once there, the troopers riding on the tauntauns can start raining fire on opposing units with their powerful DL-44 Blaster Pistols. These blasters pack a heavy punch, but a tauntaun’s horns and hind claws can be just as effective weapons. In fact, a full-speed charge from a tauntaun can be enough to send even the most hardened Snowtroopers flying.
Seeing as they’ll likely be one of your first units to engage with enemy forces, your Tauntaun Riders can be useful far beyond simply attacking. Already trained to be in tune with their rider, with a little extra training your tauntauns can serve a variety of functions within your Rebel army. Whether they’re jamming enemy communications or relaying your orders to units in the middle of a firefight, a tauntaun’s great speed can make it a useful lynchpin in any army’s communication strategy.
We’ll explore everything included in the Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion—including a full look at their upgrade cards—in a future preview!

vendredi 8 mars 2019

Preview Rebel Veterans

“The first transport is away!”
   –Lieutenant Romas Navander, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Many of those who fight for the Rebel Alliance have little actual military experience, joining up based on their hatred of the Empire alone. Others, however, have honed their instincts in the trenches, enduring countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds in the name of the Alliance. Soon, you’ll be able to reinforce your Rebel armies with the most experienced soldiers the Rebellion can offer.
Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!
Armed with little more than their blaster rifles and grim determination, Rebel Veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique, unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!
“The first transport is away!”
   –Lieutenant Romas Navander, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Many of those who fight for the Rebel Alliance have little actual military experience, joining up based on their hatred of the Empire alone. Others, however, have honed their instincts in the trenches, enduring countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds in the name of the Alliance. Soon, you’ll be able to reinforce your Rebel armies with the most experienced soldiers the Rebellion can offer.
Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!
Armed with little more than their blaster rifles and grim determination, Rebel Veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique, unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!

 Battle Tested

The battles of the Galactic Civil War are won and lost in the trenches, by the units that form the bulk of the Rebel and Imperial armies. Always reliable, the Rebel Veterans give you another option for the corps units that form the backbone of your army. They can be counted on to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.
Despite facing a massive onslaught of Imperial walkers at the Battle of Hoth, these fighters held firm, buying time for their transports to escape and making the Empire pay a bitter price for every foot of ground it gained. Appropriately, then, Rebel Veterans are resilient units prepared to fend off any Imperial offensive. They become even more prepared to hold their ground once you issue them orders, as they dig themselves in to form a study defensive front.

Like the Rebel Troopers they fight alongside, squads of Rebel Veterans carry the standard issue A-280 blaster rifles commonly seen among Rebel units. Unlike their fellow Rebels, however, the veterans have different tastes when it comes to diversifying their arsenal. Where a group of Rebel Troopers might look to slow down an enemy vehicle or lay down a high volume of fire with a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, a veteran CM-O/93 Trooper aims to stop an advancing enemy in its tracks by dealing as much damage as possible.
No matter what heavy weapons they choose to equip, the Rebels have little hope of success if they don’t work together to push back the Imperial onslaught. Perhaps the Rebel Veteran’s biggest contribution to your efforts, then, is their willingness to work with other units. For example, they can easily coordinate with a nearby emplacement trooper unit like a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team to ensure that everyone is ready to return fire.

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Ferus Olin Rebel
Luke Skywalker Jedi Master New Republic
Baron Fel Empire
Admiral Yularen Republic
Darth Vader Empire
Padme Amidala Republic
Boma Promo
Naga Shadow Sith
Bomo Greenbark Fringe
Captain Mar Tuuk Separatist
Kol Skywalker New Republic
Lord Hoth Old Republic
Grievious Kaleesh Warlord Fringe
Moff Morlish Veed Empire
Nomi Sunrider Old Republic
Han Solo on Tauntaun Rebel
Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force Empire
Dannik Jerriko Fringe
Voolvif Monn Republic
Darth Vader Unleashed Empire
Jar Jar Binks Republic
Princess Leia, Rebel Hero Rebel
Tion Medon Fringe
Obi Wan on Boga Republic
K'kruhk, Jedi Master Republic
Atton Rand Old Republic
Obi Wan Kenobi, Padawan republic
Captain Argyus Republic
Xizor Fringe
The Dark Woman Republic
Prince Xizor Fringe
General Rieekan Rebel
Wat Tambor, Techno Union Foreman Separatist
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Republic
Leia Organa, Senator Rebel

Kyp Duron New Republic
Princess Leia, Hoth Commander Rebel
Kyle Katarn Combat Instructor New Republic
Darth Tyranus Legacy of the dark side Separatist
Major Maximilian Veers Empire
Moff Jerjerrod Empire
General Solo Rebel
Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter Fringe
Qui Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer Republic
Lando Calrissian Rebel Leader Rebel

Membres de l'AFSWM

- Xavier P
- Jean Michel S
- Thomas D
- Frederic C
- Kazu
- Vincent D
- Clery N
- Pierre ( Algan )
- Tanguy
- Aurélie L
- Laurent P
- Angélique L
- Sylvie D
- Georges F
- Maxime
- Christophe C
- Pierre Auguste
- Yves de N ( Ywoo )
- Nyffenegger Yann
- Collobert Alexandre
- Michel Alexis
- Jobineau Franck
- Vaillière Olivier
- Landais Sébastien
- Pozzi Stéphane
- Ezzatpanah Mohammed
- Alzoubaidy Alexis
- Alzoubaidy Rouslan
- Jaslin Vincent
- Christophe Guy
- Loizeau Sacha
- Loizeau Frédéric

Cello Wars John Williams The phantome Cellist